The “National Trends and Services” Facet addresses identified community and national disparities in services through education, advocacy, and service.
- “Community Holiday Dinner and Toy-Give-Away” - This program is at least sixteen (16) years old and provide for an array of services related to poverty in Fresno County. Annually, approximately 1,500 participants from the southwest Fresno community benefit from this program. Participants receive a hot, traditional, holiday meal; the ability to shop ‘free of charge’ in a well-stocked “Clothes Closet” of gently used and new coats and clothes; each child between the ages of 2 to 12 years old, received a toy; and each family is able to take home a Food Basket made up of fresh and non-perishable items to prepare several meals. A variety of community resource information and literature is provided along with items for individuals to take home; including dental hygiene kits, toiletries, children’s books, etc. Past major collaborators include ‘Toys for Tots’, City of Fresno, and the Community Food Bank.